
Hello Families!

As a parent observed on Friday afternoon, "Bobcat pride and crazy hair on the same day! Spirit week the same week as Halloween! And Candy bar Bingo tonight! That's a lot!" We agree! But it has been a fun ending to the month at Marcia Buker!

Our parent didn't mention the return to Standard Time this weekend, one more thing added to the mix. Personally, I love the light in the morning after turning our clocks back an hour, but I know we will all feel the change for a few days. Perhaps the day off on Tuesday for students will help them adjust.

Another thing that's changing is the daily temperature, by the hour it seems! We start this week in the 40s, hit the 70s mid-week, then drop back to the 50s by Friday. Some mornings are forecast to be chilly while others quite balmy. What those shifting temps mean at school is a lot of jackets and hats get shrugged off during play and then left behind. Teachers try to remind students to grab their items before heading inside, but we don't catch them all! Our lost and found is pretty full these days. If your child is missing something, have them look in the lost and found! You can also take a peak on parent-teacher conference night, November 21st.

Happy election week to all!


Mary Paine
Principal, Marcia Buker ES
28 High Street
Richmond, Me 04357
School (207)-737-4748
Mobile  (207) 557-0062

Dates and Notices

Nov. 3rd Daylight Savings-Turn your clocks back
Nov. 5th No School/Workshop
Nov. 11th No School/ Veterans Day
Nov. 21st Parent Teacher Conference
Nov. 21st & 22nd Tooth Protectors
Nov. 26th End of First Trimester
Nov. 27th No School/Workshop
Nov. 28th & 29th- Thanksgiving Break

LOOK FOR November Parent-teacher conference sign up: This week, you will receive a letter with information about how to sign up for a conference with each of your child's teachers.

November Menus



It Takes a Village

Thank you Janice Lord for the nutritious and fun treats for the staff on Halloween!BOBCAT BEAT

Snack Cupboard Donations Welcome: We gratefully accept donations to our snack cupboard: nut-free, single serving crackers, baked goods, fruit cups, popcorn, etc. all make good mid-morning snacks for our students who don't have a snack from home.

Snack Cupboard

The Mid Coast Hunger Prevention wagon arrives each week on time for filling backpacks.

Back Pack Program Back Pack Program

Bobcat Sightings