insect parts

Hello MBS Families! TGIF!!

We are feeling the first full week of school at Marcia Buker and looking forward to the weekend! Our students have become comfortable and are showing us their brilliant fall colors! I am grateful that our teachers and support staff have tremendous energy and expertise. Despite the major adjustment going from summer to school, students are already working on mastering new skills in hands-on learning experiences, and enjoying being with friends!

I would like to thank our parents and guardians for a record-breaking return on back-to-school paperwork! We have only about six packets left to collect! We really appreciate your help getting this job done! It helps us better support our families and maximize the resources available to us.

In the dates and notices below, you will see that next week is an exciting one. We have picture day on Wednesday and our Open House (with food and winter gear drive) on Thursday. We hope to see all of you at open house! It's a time for you to meet your child's teacher, see their classrooms, and learn a little bit about what they are learning this year. Most important, attending school events tells your child that school matters and that their education matters to you! Of course, we know that not all of you will be able to attend Open House, and we look forward to seeing you at future events!

In partnership with you,


Mary Paine
Principal, Marcia Buker ES
28 High Street
Richmond, Me 04357
School (207)-737-4748
Mobile  (207) 557-0062

September Dates and Notices

Sept. 11 PTG, 6:00 PM, MBES Library
Sept. 18th Picture Day
Sept. 19th Open House (with Back Pack Program Food Drive and Winter Gear Drive)
Sept. 27th Early Release (buses 11:30; NO PreK)


School Lunch News

For the week of September 16th thru 20th , we will be celebrating Maine Harvest Lunch Week! Each day we are showcasing a different fruit or vegetable from a local farm. Be on the lookout for apples, cantaloupe, tomatoes, watermelon, and potatoes! We have already had some Wonderful Watermelon from Fair Winds Farm, and TantalizingTomatoes from Tender Soles Farm. Willow Pond Farm has brought in some Amazing Apples! ~ Kathy Lord, Food Service Director

Farm offereing

Update on flashing school zone lights: The light near Houdlette Field is now working. We are still waiting on a replacement parts for the north-side light. Thank you Superintendent Kempton!

School Zone

New FAX Number for MBES: 737-2176

Lost and Found: Your back-to-school dollars may be hanging in our Lost and Found area. Take a look and see if you recognize any items.

Lost and Found
Lost and Found

It Takes a Village

Food Drive

Bobcat Sightings (in the gardens)

The garden learning program builds students' literacy, numeracy, and science skills as they read, write, measure, add, compare, and use fractions to plant, tend, harvest, and put the gardens to bed. ~ T Wood and Sue Cummings


Noah P,  Ember F,  Harrison T use trowels to dig the potatoes planted in June by students from Plant a Seed Day.

Ariana C, Hunter W harvest the abundant basil and flowers from MBS Gardens to brighten our school and homes.

Have a great weekend everyone!