Greetings Families!
It's a beautiful Friday here at school--a perfect ending to a perfect week! The highlights were the grade 4-5 band and chorus concert and the Frogtown Puppet show, Everybody Loves a Pirate!
It was great to see the progress the 4th and 5th graders have made since the winter concert. The band students have advanced from playing a few notes in the winter to playing an entire song this spring! The choral students' stage presence was more confident, and the performers bravely tried out some difficult songs, including solo performances! It's wonderful to see all the different personalities work together on a unified performance that requires each student to be their best self! Thanks to all the family members who came to see the concert. Support for our visual and performing arts program is important to the academic, social, emotional, and civic development of our students!
After the fabulous puppet show on Wednesday, the sibling puppetiers showed our students that, with hard work, creativity, and ingenuity, anyone can make a living doing something they love. The Frogtown players took students behind the scenes, revealing puppets made out of socks and pingpong balls, a boat made out of cardboard and kitchen colanders, and puppet mouths worked by hidden strings! The brothers and sister explained, in kid-friendly terms, that putting on a puppet show requires a lot of executive functioning and academic skills, such imagining, planning, writing, calculating, reading, and researching. I have no doubt that many of you heard about the puppet show at home as some students came to school on Thursday with their own sock puppets!
Whether making a puppet show, camping, remembering a loved one, or just enjoying one another's company, I hope you all enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!
~ Mary
Dates and Notices
27th - Memorial Day Holiday
28th - Bike for Books Assembly 1:00 (school)
29th - Grade 5 Trip to Town Library 1:00
29th & 30th - Plant-A Seed Day (school)
31st - Plant - A Seed Day (Raindate)
3rd - Plant A Seed Day (Raindate)
4th - Pre-K Ends & Town Meeting
4th - Kindergarten Walking Trip 12:00
5th - Grade 5 to Portland Museum of Art
6th - Grade 1 Field Trip to Town Forest 8:15 - 10:00
6th - Senior Walk Thru 10:30
7th - Kindergarten Ends
7th - Field Day
5th/6th/7th - Preschool Screening
10th- Field Day (Raindate) (school)
10th - Kindergarten Screening
12th - Grade 5 Promotion 9:00
12th - Last Day (Early Release Day)
14th - Flag Day
16th - Father’s Day
19th - Juneteenth Holiday
It takes a village
Super Snack! On Friday, May 24, MBES was visited by the PTG Super Snack Squad who prepared and delivered a nutritious three-ingredient cookie made of oats, banana, and chocolate chips. Here’s the recipe in case you'd like to try it at home.
Seedling Donations: These students grew seedlings and delivered them to the Richmond Food Pantry's plant and bake sale this Saturday!
Bobcat Sightings
Grade 4-5 Concert: Amazing Musical Maestros!
Everybody Loves a Pirate! (And puppets!)