PTG Teacher Appreciation

Hello Bobcat Families!

Richmond in the springtime is spectacular, and we have had an equally spectacular week at school!

Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 continued taking state assessments. The teachers have worked hard to encourage students to take the test seriously, manage test anxiety, and do their best. Thanks to those of you who have done the same at home!

Throughout this week, appreciation was shown to our teachers, ed techs, and school nurse! The PTG filled the staff room with a dessert bar on Tuesday and provided an array of breakfast items on Friday. Our School Nutrition Heroes provided treats as well! All month long, teachers and ed techs can cash in a Gift of Time ticket for such things as duty coverage, lunch delivered, copy service, or a quick break from the classroom. I hope to be very busy giving our very deserving teachers small gifts of time! On Wednesday, Nurse Ashley was presented with cards and flowers all day long!

Our excellent teachers, ed techs, school nurse, and every member of our MBS team are worthy of the deepest appreciation, and I thank those in the school community who support our staff and school!

On Wednesday, our 4th graders and their teachers went to Potter’s Brook in Litchfield to release the tiny trout they have raised from eggs in a classroom tank. The field trip was the culmination of a year-long education and stewardship program taught by the Friends of Cobbossee Watershed. When I see the devastating milfoil and other invasive species taking over many of our ponds and lakes, I’m grateful that our Richmond students are learning about the importance of clean water for fish and other aquatic creatures. Our students are the future!

Thursday was our annual Day of Caring. We are grateful to the teachers and student crews from RMHS who lent their time to getting many spring tasks done around the elementary school! Our elementary students participated in playground cleanup, fertilizing the gardens, reading buddies, beautifying town buildings with marigold planters, spreading kindness rocks around campus, and making bird feeders. Even nature had a day of caring, holding off the rain until all the chores were completed!

To all the moms out there, leave your spring chores to others and have a relaxing and Happy Mother’s Day!!

~ Mary


May 15th - K-2 Concert for school only 1:00 PM
May 16th - K-2 Concert for families 1:00 PM
May 17th - Field Trip to Windsor Fairgrounds 8:15-1:45 (Various outdoor studies students)


Last day of school : Please note that the last day of school, June 12th, is an Early Release Day, not a full day as I had mistakenly noted in the dates section of my last newsletter. ~ Mary

Student Handbook Reminders: We would like to remind parents and guardians of two Student Handbook Policies. The relevant parts are copied below. Thank you for helping your child adhere to these rules.

Cell Phones and Other Devices

The use of cell phones and personal electronic devices [such as watches] by students is prohibited during school. Contact between home and student can be made through the main office.

Students are asked to adhere to the following guidelines for attire at school

1. Footwear

  1. Wear sneakers, shoes, or boots with closed heels or heel straps at school.

  2. Wear sneakers for Physical Education classes and outdoor learning during non-winter months. Students may want to keep a pair of sneakers at school. Teachers will let parents know if special clothing or footwear is needed.

  3. Keep lace-up shoes and sneakers tied. We will help students who are still learning to tie their shoes!

  4. Keep the zipper or velcro of shoes and sneakers closed.

3. Clothing

  1. Wear clean clothing that covers the torso (chest, abdomen, pelvis, and back) to mid-thigh.

  2. Tops should have attached sleeves or over-the-shoulder straps.

Yearbooks are in!

Two teachers looking at the yearbook.
If you ordered a yearbook, you can expect it to come home early next week. We still have a few left if you would like to order one now. Check with Kerry or Deb in the office for availability. I'd like to thank our library ed tech, Betsey Noble, for her VOLUNTEER work producing our yearbook. It takes a lot of time, and Betsey has done this job for years! Thank you, Betsey! The 2023-24 edition looks great!

It Takes a Village

Troop 1269 Litter Cleanup

Thanks to Scout Leader Kelley Metcalf and Troop 1269 for picking up litter at Houdlette Field and our school playground! We really appreciate you!!

Summer Rec Information

Bobcat Sightings (Video)

(Click above to play video.)

Happy Weekend from the MBES Team!