Greetings Families!
I’m so glad that the weather allowed us this final morning with our students before a much needed break! We are fortunate to have used only one full snow day so far, as most storms have required a late start or early dismissal. Of course, we still have the end of February and that March Lion ahead, but currently our last student day is June 11th. If we have a second full-day cancellation, it will be June 12th, and so on. Let's hope the Lion's roar is a meow.
We have some great events to look forward to when we return on February 26th. Please see the details below.
In the meantime, I hope you can enjoy some quality time with your family. Here are some ways to help keep the brain active during the school break:
- Make reading a part of every day.
- Talk about the plot, conflicts, and characters in a movie.
- Talk about math while cooking or building together to practice math.
- Do a fun science experiment! (Caution and parental supervision required for some!)
- Have a contest to see who can name all the presidents!
- Go to a basketball game! Richmond Boys at 5:30 PM Monday; Girls at 4:00 PM on Tuesday!
- Get outside for some recreation!
- Do some arts and crafts
- Sing songs together!
Whatever you do, we wish you all a great week!
In partnership with you,
Mary and the MBES Team
Dates and Information
February 16th - Early Release Day
February 19th - 23rd - February Vacation
February 29th - and March 1st - Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness classroom visits (See below for more information.)
March 7 - Family Reading Night, 6:00 - 7:30
Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness: On February 29th and March 1st, Marcia Buker Elementary Schools is once again pleased to partner with The Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness to bring students programming around disabilities awareness, sensitivity, and anti-bullying. Our students will be taking part in conversations about abilities, respect, and inclusion.
The Cromwell Center is a Maine non-profit working with local schools. Since 2004, The Center has brought programs into more than 8,000 Maine classrooms. They do not charge schools for these programs and rely solely on individual donors, local businesses and grants to make this work happen. To learn more about this Maine non-profit and their free disabilities awareness programs, visit
We hope you will ask your child about what they learn during their class visit and reinforce the messages at home. To see the grade specific topics and books, click here.
Bobcat Sightings
The students were so curious about what is behind those high up doors! Mr. Milliken popped out to show them the theater spotlight!
Print art
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