Hello MBS Families!

With the warming days and chilly nights, it’s likely the sap will be running soon! Here at school, signs of the changing season include more winter gear in the lost and found; more harmonious notes from the music room; and slightly less harmonious behavior as the dormant energy of the winter begins to stir. I’m sure you are seeing some of that energy at home as well! I don’t know who came up with the timing of February vacation, but it was brilliant!

The last week before break will be active and celebratory at school. We will reach our 100th day of learning, share Valentines with friends, and congratulate our students and staff for reaching our goal of 100 Paws in our Pawsitive Bobcat challenge. At the same time, teachers are challenging students academically. Yesterday, fifth graders worked on adding and multiplying fractions. Third graders are learning research skills and about what it was like 100 years ago. Fourth graders are learning about the threat of landslides and designing solutions; kindergarten students are learning about sunlight and warmth and solar engineering Chill City; first and second graders are continuing their penguin studies; and parents of PreKers, ask your child about The Year of the Dragon!

Wishing you many happy family conversations this weekend!

~ Mary


Dates and Information

Monday, Feb. 12th - 100th day of school.
Tuesday, Feb. 13th - PTG meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb 14 - Valentine’s Day.
Thursday, Feb. 15th - PTG Popcorn orders are due.
Friday, Feb. 16th -  Early Release Day. No Prescchool; Busses will load at 11:30 and all other students will be dismissed at 11:40.
Feb. 18th through Feb. 25th - Vacation week

March 7th - Save the date for Family Reading Night! 

We are still taking orders for our Marcia Buker Yearbook. To order, visit   inter-state.com/order and enter the code 83366V.  Orders can be placed until April 5th .


Around School This week

The Super Snack Squad--Danielle Beck, Sharon Woodward, Katelyn Lavallee, Jess Alexander, and Nurse Ashley-- prepare raw beets and kohlrabi Friday morning. The snack was a hit! Students especially liked the peppery taste of the kohlrabi!

Students in Physical Education learn how to use different types of floor sticks.

A 4th grade student works on her recommended skills in our IXL program.

Kindergarten engineers provide light to Chill City in science class.

4th grade engineers design mudslide solutions for Slide-City.

What was it like 100 years ago?

Learning to read music and play the recorder.

1st and 2nd grade research types of penguins using the EPIC  program.

Learning to count money

Tutor Meadow Merrill works with math students.

5th grade students learn to control the flow of paint and about Egyptian art.

Math talk in 2nd grade.

We have almost reached our goal of 100 Pawsitive Bobcat sightings!