Staff group

Greetings Families!

I hope this finds you well! You may have noticed that I’m a little off beat with the Beat. I didn’t get the newsletter out last Friday, and I’m sending it a day early this week, mostly because I want to remind you that the PTG Candy Bar Bingo event is tomorrow evening at 6:00.

It’s hard to believe that we are already in month two of 2024! At school, it’s a great time of year. The sun is up a little earlier and sets a little later, and that shows in more energy and happier moods among students. As we round the half-way mark, teachers are creating opportunities for students to deepen their learning and apply their new skills with engaging, hands-on projects such as writing workshop in kindergarten, the penguin study in grades 1 and 2, and research projects in grade 3, 4, and 5. Take a look at the photo section below for some examples of our younger scholars at work!

Pawsitive Bobcats

                                                                               The Pawsitive Bobcat Challenge

As always, we are working hard on personal, social, and community skills too! This month we are challenging everyone to be Pawsitive Bobcats at school. A team member who notices a meaningful positive contribution to our school by a student or colleague turns in a paw certificate describing the action. The Pawsitive Bobcats are recognized during morning announcements and featured on our bulletin board. The challenge is to get 100 Paws posted by the 100th day of learning, which is currently on February 12th. The 100th day is based on how many days we have actually been in school, so it could change if we have a snow day.  We hope to have a school-wide celebration of some kind if we reach our 100 paws goal, but for many students, simply being acknowledged for their positive contribution is enough! 

In Pawsitive Partnership With You,



February Calendar

February 2024 Event Calendar

February Menus


Around School

Kindergarten: from learning letters and words... writing workshop! Learning about how to organize drafts in a writer's folder!

The Penguin Palooza! multi-subject study in Grades 1 and 2

How do penguins slide across the vast ice and snow landscape? On their bellies!

In science, simulating the protective layer of blubber using ice water and vegetable shortening and then writing up findings (Great hat, Mrs. Frost!)

How tall is a penguin?

Research and present: Five facts about penguins

And of course, penguin art!

No two snowflakes (or kids) are alike!

A math game with Mrs. Reed