Hello Families!
As I write this, I can see and hear our students playing in the snow outside my office window. It’s about time! Tuesday’s storm was a much needed winter gift. Let’s hope the snow sticks around a while! It’s made for a happy and fun week at school.
Next week we have a scheduled early release on Friday. As usual, buses will pick up at 11:30 and parent pick-up follows. For families new to our community, lunch is served on early release days!
I hope you enjoy this week's newsletter! I know I enjoyed seeing all the excellent teaching and learning going on around school!
In partnership with you,
Notices and Dates
1/26/2024 Early Release (Buses at 11:30; pickup at 11:40)
PTG Fundraiser: The MBES Parent Teacher group is doing a fundraiser to pay for some upcoming field trips! An order form should have come home in your child's backpack on Friday for Coastal Maine Popcorn Company. There are 8 different flavors to choose from. We ask that orders forms are back to school by February 15th. This will allow us to deliver popcorn the first week of March. We appreciate your help!!!!! ~ The PTG Officers
Winter Nature Day Camp with Friends of Cobbossee Watershed: Flyer and Registration Form(Note, this is not a school sponsored event; we are gladly sharing it at the request of our partner educator at FOCW, Cami Wilbert.)
January School Menus
Teaching and Learning at MBES: 5th Grade Invention Convention
One of the highlights of my week was learning about the Invention Convention project Mrs. Garriepy and Mr. Kendrick designed and implemented in their classrooms. I dropped in on the Convention and decided to do some on-the-spot interviews. The students' words and observations about their learning were completely unrehearsed and are a testament to the life-long value of this project. A full description of the Invention Convention project, written by Mrs. Garriepy and Mr. Kendrick, is included with the video. I hope you will check it out and appreciate knowing that your children are learning, growing, and having fun every day at school! ~ Mary
Help send the 5th Graders to the Boston Museum of Science in May! This Thursday, the 5th graders will begin fundraising for their spring trip to the Museum where they will have an opportunity to see where their own scientific explorations could one day lead! Parents of 5th graders will receive information from their teachers.
The week in photos
Layla Smith enjoyed observing and learning about mushrooms after a walking the Tiny Forest Trail at MBS. Outdoor Educator Tina Wood was able to get a Mushroom Box donated and Layla began growing mushrooms. Next up making and baking a mushroom pizza from scratch!
An engineering challenge in 3rd grade: How tall a tower can you build with only 10 or 20 blocks? Teacher Kari Crosman explains, "The challenge promotes divergent thinking and perseverance while introducing material constraints."
And in art class, the challenge was to create a model from random items in a bag! Natalie's bird, (plane?...super Bobcat?) is pretty awesome.
Hot cocoa and a needed rest for the 1st graders after hard work learning outdoors!
Pre K students, Thea and Sylas, learn about structures and shapes using the light tables Mrs. Dorman acquired through Donors Choose.