Readers Theater

Greetings MBS Families! 

I hope you are enjoying the first snow of the year and are feeling the holiday spirit. I’ve seen some very festively decorated homes in town! At school, we continue to focus on learning; teachers are excellent at designing holiday- and winter- themed lessons and practice! Please take a moment to read the dates and announcements below, and as always, reach out with any questions or ideas!

  • December 8th – PTG Cookie Bingo; the fun begins at 6:00 tonight!
  • December 13 – PTG Meeting, 6:00 PM, MBES Library 
  • December 15th – Grade 4 and 5 Holiday Concert (For Grade 4 and 5 families), 1:00 PM

Friendly Reminders

When your child is absent from school, please call or email the school to let us know they will be out and the reason. We are committed to contacting all parents/guardians of absent students who are not accounted for, and it helps a lot if you save Deb and Kerry the time spent calling.

Afternoon student pickup safety: We are growing very concerned about student safety at the end of the day due to parents parking across the street, waiting for busses to leave, and then either moving across the road to our front drive or having their children walk across the road to get in the vehicle. The cars pulling in or children crossing the street create a number of safety hazards for students. If you are picking up your child after school, please park and wait in the Houdlette field parking lot. Once the busses are gone, slowly drive from the Houdlette parking lot to the front of the building to pick up your child. Thank you.

Morning drop-off location: Thanks to parents who drop off students for continuing to use the south entrance in the morning instead of the main entrance parking spaces. Students who walk do not always anticipate that a car may back out of the main entrance spaces as they are walking behind them, which creates a very dangerous situation. 

Donations gratefully accepted for the following items

  • Gently used boots for older students (youth size 2 -7)
  • Ski-type gloves that can withstand playing in the snow
  • Tissues for classrooms and school

Thank you for your support and interest in our school!

In partnership with you,

Mary and the MBES Team

Photo picks of the week


As part of their hands-on, authentic literacy program, students present a readers’ theater puppet production of Chicken Little for first graders!


Ryan and Kerry Gardner are more than just a teacher and an administrative assistant! Here they are installing a stable shelf in the main office for our new campus monitor.