Greetings MBS Parents and Guardians!
We end this week with gratitude for your wisdom and love in helping your children through the difficult days of last week; we did not see much anxiety among our students, and they seemed to feel safe and happy. I'd also like to thank the school staff and bus drivers for making safe and joyful spaces for students, no matter what is happening around us.
Halloween was a helpful distraction for all, and it was fun to see our students excited to get home and out in their costumes. I left school on Tuesday just as the trick or treaters were heading out; the sight brought back my own childhood excitement and memories of walking the twilighted streets of my neighborhood with my friends and siblings. I still recall the first time we got to go out without our parents, and the mischief we got into!
Notices and Information
- November breakfast and lunch menu
- Candy Bar Bingo, hosted by the PTG is TONIGHT at 6:00 in the MBS cafeteria/gym. Have fun!
- 11/07/23 Workshop/No School Tuesday. Don’t forget to vote!
- 11/08/23 Garden Keepers walk to Food Bank to deliver food drive items
- 11/10/23 Veterans Day Holiday
Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conference Sign-ups: The link to sign up for conferences on 11/16 will be sent out this weekend or on Monday.
Cold weather woe: Chapped lips are the worst, and we are seeing a lot of cases in the nurse’s office. The problem is that not all lip balms are good for stopping the hurt or for healing. In fact one of the most familiar products on the market actually makes things worse.Here is a list of “Kid-safe and Parent-approved” products. A budget friendly option is plain old Vaseline!
Art at Marcia Buker School: Last week, in my report to the School Committee, I shared the amazing art that our students are creating at school with Mr. Milliken. You can see the presentation below.
Have a peaceful, enjoyable, and art filled weekend!
Mary Paine
Principal MBS