Greetings MBES Families!
I think it is safe to say that we are all glad it’s Friday! Energy is high at school, and I’m betting at home as well. It could be the very-Richmond Halloween spirit in the air, or it could be that we are on the doorstep of the holiday season (if you can believe that!). Whatever it is, the MBES team has been doing an excellent job balancing seated skills-practice with hands-on, authentic learning experiences here at school.
In a great example of an authentic learning experience, MBES Garden Keeper students developed math, reading, and writing skills as they dug, measured, counted, and wrote (a book!) about their harvest of 79 Kennebec Red Potatoes. They had a community service experience in deciding to donate the food to the Richmond Food Pantry and then hosting Pantry Manager, Susan Grant. After their talk with Ms. Grant, the students now want to do more for the pantry.
The best indicator of a real-world learning experience is that, like a planted seed, it leads to growth and more interest in learning and creating. Bravo and Encore! to MBES Outdoor Educator, Tina Wood, and Ed Tech, Sue Cummings, for this innovative, inspiring learning program.
Events and notices
Friday October 27
- Early Release Day: Buses at 11:30; Pickups at 11:40. There is no PreK
- Test Run of our School Cancellation Messaging System: On the afternoon of October 27, after school has released, a test school closure message will be sent out via our messaging system. If you hear about this from others but you do not receive the message via phone/text, please let Keli Terry know at (207) 737-2126.
- PTG Candy Bar Bingo—Oct. 27 in the MBES Gym. Look for the flier in your child’s backpack!
Wednesday, November 1
- Picture Retake Day: If you wish to have your child’s picture retaken, send the picture package back with your child, and Kerry will add them to our retake list.
- School arrival time for walkers is 7:30: We have an increasing number of students arriving on foot, bikes, or skateboards 10-20 minutes early. Please help your children to time their departure from home so that they arrive at school no earlier than 7:30. Thank you.
- Tooth Protectors Inc. is coming to our school on December 11 and 12th to provide preventative dental care for our students. Services such as cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, and temporary fillings are just a few of the options available. This service is free for those with Mainecare; the Tooth Protectors can bill other forms of insurance as well; or you can pay out of pocket. For more information and to sign up your child, please visit If you have any questions, feel free to call Nurse Ashley 207-737-4748.
- Playground: The broken, unsafe platforms on the playground have been fixed and the caution tape removed! Thanks to Keith Kroesser for the excellent welding job! We do have another repair to make on a climbing chain, but there is no safety risk associated with this item.
- State testing: Students in grades 3-5 will all complete state testing by the end of the month. Thank you for supporting our efforts at getting the best from our students on these tests. While they may not be able to capture what students know and are able to do, the test results have some high stakes associated with them, especially the spring assessment.
Wishing you all a happy weekend, rain or shine!
~ Mary
Special Thanks: The MBES team thanks Nurse Ashley; PTG and volunteers Katelyn Lavallee, Danielle Beck, and Sharon Woodward; and Bond’s Orchard for providing students with a Friday morning snack of freshly picked apples. They were delicious!