MBES Family Notes (Sent 9/8/23)

Happy Friday Families!

Despite the very hot and humid weather, we kept our cool at school and had a good week!

  1. PreK Welcome: We welcomed the class of 2037 on Tuesday! What a milestone for our youngest scholars and their families!
  2. Evacuation/fire drill: Our first safety drill on Friday gave us confidence that the students know what to do in the event we have to quickly get out of the building. The school was cleared in just over a minute! We will have several more safety drills this year of varying types.
  3. School forms: Please ( please) get the paperwork back to use as soon as you are able. If your child's set of forms has been misplaced, just give us a call, and we will provide another! 
  4. PTG: The PTG will meet next Wednesday, September 13 at 6:00 in the MBS library.
  5. Flannel or Hawaiian Day, Friday, September 15th (kickoff to Spirit Week)


Looking ahead two weeks:

  1. Spirit Week, 9/18-9/22:  Theme days will be announced next week.
  2. Picture day: 9/19
  3. Open House: 9/21  5:30- 6:30 (updated)
  4. Backpack Food Drive: Open House night . We will gladly accept donations for our backpack program. Next week we will send information about the types of food items that help the most.


Have a great weekend!
