School staff helping student on first day of school

Greetings MBES Families and Friends!

We've had a great start to the school year! The students are ready to get back to a routine and learning, and the whole MBS team has done an excellent job preparing and welcoming your children back to school.

The theme of School Committee Chair  Amanda McDaniel's welcome talk on Monday was  "Showing up." It's impossible to list all who "showed up" to make our opening staff days and our first week of school at Marcia Buker a huge success.  Thanks so much to Superintendent Webster and his team, the School Committee members, the Richmond businesses and community patrons, The Richmond PD, the teachers and student support staff, the bus drivers,  the food service crew, the custodians, and our families!

A few notes for our MBES families:

  • We appreciate our everyday pick-up drivers for helping to make our new departure process safe and smooth. I think we have it down!
  • Our budget is quite tight this first year as a one-town school department, and the donated school supplies really make a difference! We are now well stocked with general school supplies. Something we could still use is gently worn sneakers for students who may need to borrow a pair to safely participate in PE and recess. 
  • Thank you so much for getting the school forms back to us in a timely manner! We hope to have all the forms back by midweek. 
  • Finally, in case you don't have it, here is a link to the Student and Family Handbook.

As always, please get in touch if you need anything or have questions. 

We are looking forward to the rest of the school year with you and your children!

Enjoy the Labor Day weekend! 


Mary Paine,
Principal, Marcia Buker ES
28 High Street Richmond, Me 04357
School (207)-737-4748
Mobile  (207) 557-0062